Leverage RPG – Browncoats In the ‘Verse

Our Continuing Quest…
So in our gaming group’s continuing quest (or perhaps it’s my quest, since I’ve been guest-GM for a couple months now) to explore new games, we sat down to play the Leverage RPG. I’d never seen the show, heard a liveplay, or played it myself, but I was fairly confident given my comfort level with Marvel Heroic RPG so, hey, why not?

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Avatar: The Next Airbender One-Shot Adventure

Over the last three weeks, I’ve run my local gaming group through my second convention module. I say second, but I never actually got a chance to run the first.

The mod takes place fifty years after Avatar: The Last Airbender and twenty years before Legend of Korra. Two of the PCs and one prominent NPC are the children of the main characters in A:TLA, and several characters in the mod go on to be part of TLoK.

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Yet Another Fantasy Marvel Hack

Ok. I know. Dave Chalker (@DaveTheGame) and Adam Minnie (@atminn) have already put their four cents into this discussion at Critical Hits and Exploring Infinity respectively. The basic concept is taking Margaret Weis Productions’ Marvel Heroic RPG and adapting it to fantasy roleplaying, in the same milieu as Dungeons & Dragons, or Sword & Sorcery. So, while I’m analyzing, I’ll also put together a character – Gallifrey, the gnome bard I play in a weekly D&D 3.5e game.

It seems to me the big difference between folks’ interpretations about how this should go is in the Affiliations dice. Let’s take a look at the various options between posts and comments:

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Story Gaming, or Gaming by Numbers

So the other day, I commented against this post on d20 Radio’s forums. And then I realized I had a bit more to say about the subject, so here we are!

I think the d20 revolution is over. There’s this huge push, in practically every corner of the RPG industry, towards “story-focused” systems. Deadlands, Cortex+, Star Wars Edge of the Empire, FATE, Numenera, etc. Games where the burden of the story rests on both the GM’s and the players’ shoulders. The burden of the mechanics also ends up split, and the results are extremely open-ended.

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Off Camera – Scene 4.5

There’s no music, no production still. This is one of those vague moments between wipes when the bookkeeping happens. So help me determine where the wipe opens up. Are BB and Hiden going to sit at the console for a few hours, repairing and slicing? Are the party members going to try to do something about the stench aboard the Sybil’s Silence? What is Erska going to do about Arri? And what about the security dude? Not to mention Quida! Find out next time, on “Star Wars – Abandon All Hope”

Scene 4 – Arri

In the background, we see Hiden neatly parking the Centennial Sparrow in Slot 4. Shalo, Erska, and Siet have already mesh-taped Nolest’s mouth, flippers, and legs, and are rounding up the bodies of their fallen opponents. The three mon calimari are stacked on the cargo lift, either reverently or non-ceremoniously depending on who’s stacking. BB is notably absent from the scene outside the Sybil’s Silence, presumably inside slicing the ship’s computer.

Pyrrhic Victory

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